Growing Coffee Arabica Tree From Seeds.

Growing Coffee Arabica Tree From Seeds.

Growing a Coffee Arabica tree from seed can be a rewarding experience! Here are the steps to get you started:

  1. Harvesting Seeds:

    • Wash off any residue from the coffee cherries to release the seeds inside.
    • Dry the seeds thoroughly by letting them cure on a plate lined with paper towels for a few weeks.
  2. Soaking and Testing Seeds:

    • Soak the coffee beans in water for 24 hours.
    • Toss any beans that float—they might not be viable.
  3. Preparing Pots:

    • Fill 4-inch pots with damp, well-draining potting mix.
    • Plant the seeds about ¼ inch deep.
  4. Germination:

  5. Care Tips for Coffee Plants:

    • Use rich, peat-based, slightly acidic potting soil amended with organic matter.
    • Place the plant near a window (indirect sunlight) and away from drafts.
    • Maintain room temperature between 65°F and 80°F.
    • Water evenly to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.
    • Fertilize with a diluted liquid fertilizer during spring and summer.
    • Prune in spring to encourage bushy growth.

Remember, while it’s unlikely your houseplant will produce enough beans for coffee, growing a coffee tree can still be a delightful experience! ☕🌱3. Happy gardening!

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1 comentario

Thanks for the advice.

Ken Holdings

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