How to get rid of damaging pests, bugs, and rodents from your garden.

How to get rid of damaging pests, bugs, and rodents from your garden.



    • Neem Oil: Spray a neem oil solution on affected plants.

    • Ladybugs: Introduce ladybugs to your garden to feed on aphids.

    • Soap Spray: Use a mixture of water and dish soap to spray on the aphids.

  1. Japanese Beetles

    • Handpicking: Pick beetles off plants in the early morning and drop them into soapy water.

    • Neem Oil: Spray neem oil on affected plants.

    • Traps: Use Japanese beetle traps placed away from plants.

  2. Caterpillars (e.g., Cabbage Worms)

    • Handpicking: Remove caterpillars by hand and dispose of them.

    • Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt): Apply Bt, a natural bacteria that targets caterpillars.

    • Floating Row Covers: Use row covers to prevent moths from laying eggs on plants.

  3. Whiteflies

    • Sticky Traps: Place yellow sticky traps near affected plants to catch whiteflies.

    • Neem Oil: Spray a neem oil solution on the undersides of leaves.

    • Insecticidal Soap: Use insecticidal soap to spray on the whiteflies.

  4. Spider Mites

    • Water Spray: Regularly spray plants with water to knock off mites.

    • Neem Oil: Apply neem oil to affected plants.

    • Predatory Mites: Introduce predatory mites to control spider mites.

  5. Slugs and Snails

    • Beer Traps: Place shallow dishes of beer in the garden to attract and drown slugs and snails.

    • Copper Tape: Use copper tape around pots and garden beds to deter slugs and snails.

    • Handpicking: Remove slugs and snails by hand, especially after rain or in the evening.

  6. Thrips

    • Sticky Traps: Use blue sticky traps to catch thrips.

    • Neem Oil: Spray neem oil on affected plants.

    • Beneficial Insects: Introduce beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings.

  7. Scale Insects

    • Neem Oil: Apply neem oil to plants with scale infestations.

    • Rubbing Alcohol: Use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to remove scale insects.

    • Pruning: Prune heavily infested branches and dispose of them.


  1. Mice

    • Traps: Use snap traps or live traps baited with peanut butter.

    • Seal Entry Points: Seal gaps and holes in your garden structures to prevent entry.

    • Peppermint Oil: Place cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil near entry points.

  2. Rats

    • Traps: Use rat traps baited with peanut butter or cheese.

    • Seal Entry Points: Ensure all entry points are sealed.

    • Remove Food Sources: Keep the garden clean and free of fallen fruits and vegetables.

  3. Voles

    • Traps: Use vole traps near burrow entrances.

    • Barrier Methods: Install hardware cloth around garden beds.

    • Predator Scents: Use predator urine or repellents to deter voles.

  4. Squirrels

    • Repellents: Use commercial squirrel repellents or homemade solutions like cayenne pepper spray.

    • Netting: Cover plants with bird netting to prevent access.

    • Feeders: Provide an alternative food source away from your garden.

  5. Chipmunks

    • Traps: Use live traps to capture and relocate chipmunks.

    • Barrier Methods: Use fencing or netting to protect plants.

    • Repellents: Apply commercial chipmunk repellents around the garden.

  6. Gophers

    • Traps: Set gopher traps in active tunnels.

    • Barriers: Install underground barriers like wire mesh to protect roots.

    • Natural Predators: Encourage natural predators like owls and snakes in your garden.

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